On February 10, 1947, the Mechanical Engineering Technical School began its activities with the following specialties: crane construction, forging and stamping production, metal cutting. In ten years, the educational, material and household base was completely created, 1,300 technicians were trained. In 1963, the Machine-Building Technical School received a new name - Odessa Technical School of Industrial Automation. In 1997, by order of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, the technical school became part of the Odesa State Academy of Refrigeration. Three new specialties were opened:
"Programming for electronic computing equipment and automated systems", "Operation of information processing and decision-making systems", "Clerical management". In 2012, the technical school became part of the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. In 2013, the educational institution was headed by O.S. Yepur. In just seventy years, the technical school trained 13,834 junior specialists.